Have you tried out making use of ear candles? If not, then this is the right time to do so. It is a healthy method in which you possibly can loosen up particles in the ears. If your ears often bother you due to wax, they feel wet inside, or perhaps you can’t hear well due to the buildup, it's about time to take some action. The procedure of utilizing ear candles in your ears is referred to as ear candling you can do this routinely to help your ears feel a lot better than before. 

The procedure includes lighting the end of the cone formed ear candle and lying on your side. Then the pointed end of the candle is placed into the ear canal. It will take quite a few minutes for the candle to burn down. Do not ever undertake ear candling all on your own because of the chance of getting burned. Secure hair out of the way and has someone light the candle and also hold it in position once you're lying down. 

Don’t let the ear candle burn down so much that it gets too hot around the ear. As soon as you starting to feel the heat very close to your ear, you should have the person helping you remove it. Do this again for the next ear. For the best results, use one candle for each ear. Ear candling isn’t hard and it is effective to do it on a regular basis. You can purchase ear candles online or from local health food stores. 

Wiping out toxic substances from the body through detox foot patches is additionally a choice to consider. They can be purchased online or they can be bought locally as well. They do the job by pushing out toxic compounds that could have been collecting in your body.

For the best results, the detox foot pads have to be applied before you go to sleep overnight. Be sure you wash and then dried out your feet before attaching them. You will leave them on all night. In the morning, you will see that they are a particular color. The color will signify how much toxins that were in your body, and that have been successfully taken out. The packaging for the foot patches will have all of the colors and what they mean for you to reference.

Generally, the darker the color is, the more toxic substances you've got inside you. It is recommended to keep on using the detox foot patches each night up until you observe that the coloring is much lighter in color. Then you can cut back to using them once every seven days or once every two weeks, depending on the outcomes that you see. 

Taking away harmful toxins from the body is necessary to be as healthier and stronger as you possibly can be. The procedure is easy when you take part in ear candling and the use of detox foot pads. You aren’t going to believe just how much better you feel! In fact, the effective use of these two products is going to become a part of your regimen! Don’t allow for toxic compounds to stay on your body as they can affect you in a harmful way, and stop you against experiencing life to the fullest.

Ear candling is an ancient Egyptian practice which tenders a large range of medical benefits.  It is a calming and relaxing unconventional therapy.  This natural therapy promotes mental as well as physical well being.

How to use ear candles?

An ear candle is comprise of hollow tubes or cones made from cotton cloth soaked in beeswax. It has become  popular in recent years as a method of removing problem build-ups of ear wax.  The process may last as long as an hour and need several ear candles depending on the amount of ear wax to be taken away. It is quite delicate thus an expert practitioner should do this. 

A relax and serene atmosphere should be attained before ear candling is done.  Let the patient lie on a pillow in a position more comfortable and relaxing.  A music can be played while the process is being done. The ear candle is being lit on one end and the non burning end should be place gently to the outer ear canal.  When you hear a crackling and hissing sound, it ensures that the ear candle is in proper position.  In the last stage of the process, the heat flow gets high.  The ear candle should be burnt only up to one cm and the remaining ear candle should be removed carefully. 

What are the benefits of ear candling?

Medical problems like sinus infections, ear aches, sinus pain, vertigo, headache and tinnitus are alleviated by the use of this ancient therapy.  Many people attest that they find feeling of comfort and relax while the process is being done and afterwards likewise.  They are invigorated and energized once again.  It also helps lessen the stress and tension from works and everyday routines that is why many seek this procedure.

What kind of ear candles to use?

There are several different kinds of ear candles that differ  in shape, size and consistency. Selecting  the right kind  of ear candles can make your experience satisfying and terrific.

Beeswax ear candles: These candles are made from natural wax produced in the hives. They are natural, burn longer and cleaner than any other ear candle. The flame emits negative ions to clean the air and invigorate the body. It is sticky, naturally scented, it is considered as the best ear candle as it does not drip, releases negative ions and has a clean burn.

Paraffin ear candles: These are more economical substitute to beeswax. It burns clear and has unscented. The inconvenience of paraffin wax candle is that it does not burn totally and therefore blocks the tip of the candle.

Soy ear candles: Soy is mixture of other harder wax to create an ear candle. Typically soy is mixed with beeswax as an alternative to 100% expensive beeswax. The most common disadvantage with soy ear candles is that they create more heat than paraffin or beeswax because of low melting point. Hence, it creates a warmer temperature inside the ear.

Where to buy ear candles?

Ear candles are widely available on online stores. Many companies offer discounts on bulk purchase from their website.

With any alternative treatments you can get of course many doubters and trusted believers too and Ear Candling has it's justifiable share of both. Learning the real therapy and benefits can be difficult when no real scientific tests is usually provided and so experience from individuals made use of ear candles has to be relied upon which many skeptics just won't accept.

The most common disbelief about ear candles is that they are able to draw huge amounts of ear wax from the ear canal. This is simply not true and the belief has evolved through mis education particularly from stores selling ear candles through no fault of their own. Sales assistants generally rely totally on third hand stories from other assistants and so as the years have rolled by the myth about ear wax has built greater than the buildup of wax itself!

That isn't to say that ear candling doesn't have a many benefits, they just need to break down and understood. The common approach is to inspect an ear candle after it has been burnt and inspects inside the candle and looked at the remaining wax left inside.

The wax left inside is certainly residue wax from the candle itself and as the coloring is similar it is easy to understand why so many believe it is ear wax. The flame of an ear candle is really quite gentle even though it could be dangerous as fire. Take a moment to imagine how much force and suction would be required to draw such large amounts of wax 'into' the candle? It would have to have the drawing power of a vacuum cleaner in reality!

What is rarely discussed is the heat from the flame and its ability to loosen inner ear wax in the canal. Whilst the intensity of the heat is not extreme it is enough to warrant gently loosening wax which can be dislodged and cleaned after your treatment. The Chinese have always believed that the transfer of heat to inside our bodies has great healing abilities. The Chinese would never be seen drinking ice cold water for example and they will always be carrying around warm flasks of hot water to constantly sip throughout the day. They believe the transfer of heat has the ability to find parts of the body that need healing. This is why so many 'heat warming' products can be found on the market such as heat patches etc.

This may be an indication as to why ear candles work so well for many as it is the benefit of heat transfer to the body that is renewing well being. This also could explain the great results for curing sinus problems. The Chinese believe the ear canal is one of the most important meridian points of the body.

Ear Candling is likewise belittled due to its lack of safety and dangers of fire. Quote simply there are some ear candles available which have taken proactive responsible steps to ensure the safety of its users. A protective disk should always be used to ensure no wax can drip down the side of the candle and the candle itself should always be held throughout the whole treatment by a friend or relative to ensure that it remains at a 90 degree angle to the ear thus stopping any excess wax to drip.

An extinguishing stop mark also indicates how low you should let the candle burn and when to extinguish. Lastly and most importantly an in built filter should always be used with ear candles to again reduce the risk. If all of these safety issues are addressed then ear candling can be totally safe and the benefits can be explored with a grounded understanding that this is an 'alternative' therapy to be enjoyed under safe conditions. Maybe the Chinese are a little more clever than they are given justice.

Ear candling is an ear wax removing procedure that dates back to historical Egyptian culture. Ear candling is a highly effective and secure ear wax removal procedure, and helps in enhancing mental and sinus health of several practitioners.

Ear Candling Basic safety Procedure
As with all kind of alternative medicine, it is best to consult a doctor who has experience in administering such treatments before attempting it yourself. The procedure is hassle free if done under the supervision of experienced professionals.

Customized ear candles that have been specifically made for this purpose are inserted in the outer ear canal of the person undergoing ear candling treatment.

The ear candle is lit, and from their physics takes over as the flames start burning oxygen. Within a few seconds, person will feel gentle suction in the inner ear. This is due to the vacuum created by the candle wick as it burns, and consumes all the air inside the ear canal. This gives a relaxing feeling and is a calming experience for people undergoing ear candling for removal of ear wax. All he excess wax will slowly lift free due to suction effect. All the wax that is stuck up in the ear canal loosens up and even nasal passages are affected, as they are connected to this area via small tubes.

Aside from the cleanup, lots of people have reported enhanced ability of detecting sounds much more sharply once the procedure is over.

Tips for finding most effective ear candles:

• Excellent Ingredients
• Totally free of chemical pesticide & fungicide residues
• Provides Safety Features (choose those with filter, protective disk and top ring)
• High Quality Manufacturing
• Consistently tested
• Natural Ingredients
• Competitive Prices

Ear Candling Reminders:

•A companion or partner must observe the entire treatment method and assist by holding the ear candle upright vertical position while the candle is burning, at all times. The candle MUST be held at a ninety degree upright vertical angle to the ear and not leaning at any time. 

•Ensure that you are in a safe environment - indoors, with no 'through' drafts' as this can affect how the candle burns.

•Identify any flammable materials that you may be wearing or are nearby and remove these.

•Adult supervision is required at all times - please ensure ear candles and matches etc are always stored away from children in a safe place.

•Your partner should extinguish the candle on your behalf as it approaches the designated 'stop' ring on each candle.

•Always consult your medical practitioner should you be unsure about using ear candle.
Also called ear wax candling, the ear candling is the best alternative health process that is used by people for optimizing their mental and physical health. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe, peaceful, effective and safe ear candling session.

Ear Candling or ear coning is an alternate remedy used to boost physical as well as intellectual well-being. In this, a long, waxy tube made of cloth is inserted in to the ear canal and then burnt. This creates a vacuum that helps in cleansing the ear canal.

Ear candling is an old traditional exercise that is believed to have started in Mayan, Aztec, Lemuria and Mythical Atlantis civilizations. However the exact origin of this healing process is still not confirmed, but traces of this practice were observed in China, India, Egypt and Tibet. Historically, instruments shaped in the form of cone made from clay were used for this self purification process. Because of the shape of the instrument used, the process was called coning. The shiny pottery cone was carved with a double helix inside it to carry burning herbs down the ear canal. Vacuum caused by the cone instrument results in counter clockwise flow, by which smoke and heat from the herbs cleanse ear canal. It also removes any debris outside the canal by vacuum. In many cultures and traditions, coning was considered a spiritual, holistic method for cleansing the mind as well as senses. They believed that ear coning clears the body and mind from any toxins so that you can focus on feelings and thoughts.

Current Time Ear Candling

Because of the extra weight of the candles and health regulations, traditional ear candles were replaced by non reusable candles. Hence, ear candle or cone is made from unbleached linen or cotton soaked in paraffin or beeswax and herbs. A spiral roll is built on the inner side of the candle during the manufacturing, which creates the similar effect as of the pottery ones.

In some countries like Germany, ear candling is taught as a subject, remedy. In United States, it is relatively new, but many holistic doctors are switching over to this self-purification process from irrigation techniques. Ear candling has become a popular non invasive therapy due to its several benefits and plenty of holistic centers and spas are offering this procedure.

Remarkable benefits of Ear Candles

Ear candling has a refreshing effects on the mind and the body and it helps to improve the overall well-being of a person by creating the harmony of body, mind and spirit. Ear candles are not only used for removal of ear wax, but they are known to have many potential health benefits. Some of the health attributes that are associated with use of ear candle are:

1. Ear benefits: By clearing the debris, wax and other harmful particles from the ears, ear candles help in relieving itchy ears (caused by yeast, mold or dairy allergies), Swimmer's ear and unplugging ears. Reduces ringing in ears and dizziness.

2. It relieves sinus pain and pressure, hence giving relief from headaches.

3. Enhances the senses like smell, taste and perception.

4. It improves lymphatic blood flow.

5. It leads to clarity of thoughts, reduces stress and tension.

Ear Candling is a holistic method of healing that offers many health benefits.
_There's a certain hot debates with regards to the safety and actual benefits of ear candles. One important thing is for certain, many individuals have been using them for several years now and they are quite used to the therapy and satisfied with the results. It is important to consider the fact that numerous measures and precautions are important to be taken in order to get the enjoyment and maximum effect in a safe environment.

Why then so many individuals that are making use of these ear candles?

Well the main functionality is to get rid of wax buildup in your ear, most commonly the wax that can’t be removed through a normal cleanup practice. Those people that used it claim that it is a less pricey and more comfortable way than the traditional the one which involves forcing water into your ear canal.

Additionally, it is believed that ear candling removes a couple of health problems like yeasts, candida, and the remnants of past bacterial infections. It had been reported by the U of U Medical laboratory that there are several types of microorganisms in our ears such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia, Influenza A and B and Anaerobic bacteria. So basically it really is more affordable to buy ear candles and begin a therapy treatment instead of option for other ways.

The process involving ear candling may be done on any person, on every age group. There have been actually a large number of effective cases in treating chronic ear infections of children through this therapy that made the ear tubal replacement unnecessary. Besides treating the ear, it is also good for the lymph system and sinus by eliminating the toxins there.

So in case you have any medical conditions which involves the ear such as an ear infection or just need to remove the wax buildup, it is strongly advised that you buy ear candles and use this therapy treatment method. It is very inexpensive, it presents great results and if it’s done properly it's absolutely safe.
There is constantly much discussion over the real benefits of ear candles and their safety. However we must acknowledge that there are a large number of individuals who have been using ear candles for many years, who are quite used to the therapy and have built up valuable hands on experience of the treatment.

With any therapy, controversial or not there are many who are curious about the process and willing to try for themselves so that may draw their own conclusions. With this in mind it is important to understand the basic measures and precautions that should be taken at all times, particularly with ear Candles, so that the maximum effect and enjoyment can be gained in a safe environment. Understanding the exact steps to take and preparation is just as important as the therapy itself, especially before your first treatment.

As matter of course you should only purchase Ear Candles which provide full detailed instructions on how to use ear candles. These should be read carefully and raise any questions prior to commencement if you are not sure - the instructions are there for a reason. Indeed most ear candles are now regulated by appropriate government health bodies and one should check that the brand you are using have the correct registration in place.

Regulations will differ from country to country depending on legislation but the majority will also have strict policy guidelines on how marketing material is worded on the packaging and a registration number is most likely required.

Again make sure that the candles you are using comply with local regulations. One such regulation would be the extent of what medical claims have been made. With ear candles it is generally the case that no medical claims can be made which would mislead consumers, particularly where no medical evidence is in place. A therapy such as ear candling would be regarded as relaxation or for wellness purposes. If you believe wild medical claims are being made quite blatantly then in all likelihood the brand do not have the correct regulatory guidelines in place. These brands should most definitely be avoided.

Of course with ear candles we are dealing with fire and common sense should prevail that at all times when dealing with fire extreme caution is taken for your safety and others around you. Once you have fully read the instructions the common procedure should be as follows:

At all times one should only experience ear candles in the company of your partner or a close friend for the entire time that the candle is burning.

There are obvious reasons for this, notably  that you are lying down and will not be able to have sight of the candle and you need to ensure that it is at a 90 degree angle to the head and ear to ensure that no wax drips away from the candle. Ear Candling can be very relaxing and many users report actually falling asleep when they have become more relaxed. this is dangerous of course and if your partner is holding the candle at all times this will not be an issue and indeed you will be able to elevate to a deeper level of relaxation, similar to having a massage. This is also why many ear candle users enjoy the treatment in the evening to assist with a good nights deep sleep.

Always ensure you are in a safe environment, generally at home or in a private therapy practice room. Added to this ensure that there is no through draft present as this will affect the way the candle burns and if this can be achieved then the candle will burn at a steady even pace. Identify if there are any inflammable materials close by or being worn, these should be covered or ideally removed and protected. The more respected ear candles available will also supply a protective disk to which the ear candle is inserted. This will add further protection to any possible dripping wax.

Cover the surrounding area with a warm damp flannel ... not just for protection from the wax, but as a way to induce warmth and a relaxed state to the whole inner ear and head.

The candle should be gently inserted into the ear and a gentle twist to create a seal between the ear and the candle, negating the possibility of air which would again affect the way the candle burns. Ensure the candle is at a 90 degree angle to the ear and head and your partner should light the far end away from the ear. Prior to commencing ensure a small jar or cup of water is nearby to assist with extinguishing the candle. On lighting the candle it will take 30 seconds or so for a steady even burn to be established and once this has occurred you should expect most candles to burn between 8-10 minutes for each ear.

The superior ear candles will have a mark on the candle approximately an inch from the base of the candle as an indication of when the candle should be removed and extinguished. When the flame reaches this point then your partner should immediately remove the candle and do so. take some extra moments, up to 5 minutes, to further enhance relaxation the same way you would do after a massage. Of course experiencing the treatment in a quiet room with no TV background or conversation will really add to your ability to relax. After the 5 minute rest it is then suggested to turn over to the opposite side and carry out the exact same process on the opposite ear. For many users they will report the importance of doing both ears in the same treatment .. as by not doing this you can strangely sense of feeling of in-balance.

Need less to say if you have any doubts or hesitation about using ear candles, or have a particular medical condition then at no times should you risk using ear candles. Always refer to your medical practitioner and certainly if you have any ear infection ear candles are definitely not  recommended. Provided all the safety requirements have been met and you follow the packaging instructions from a regulated ear candle brand then it can be a most enjoyable experience, provided your partner is present at all time.

_It makes perfect sense that with any product there are varying degrees of quality and that the process wherein the product is made and the substances that are utilized is paramount to quality and effectiveness. The old saying of ‘you get what you pay for’!

Ear Candles are a prime example of this and more so because of the fact that they are hand made. Ear candling is still a foreign subject to most and so when individuals read damming reports of the dangers of ear candles it is understandable that people may be a little nervous, especially on the first time using them.

Doubtlessly with ear Candles there are key elements you should take into consideration before purchasing the product and it would be a little difficult to understand the difference when looking at different brands.

The concept of making ear candles is basically the same although the attention to detail is quite important. We're talking about cotton sticks once wrapped being dipped in beeswax, but whilst you'll hear this statement from most manufacturers there are even questions to be asked at this point. Namely the type of 'wax' that is being used and also the nature of the cotton. There's natural and natural isn't there? and unless you are prepared to do your own lab tests it's impossible to know exactly what type of wax is being used. be different and ask this question.

For most cheaper brans use the unsightly smell of paraffin wax and a clear indication of this is the amount of black smoke your ear candle will exude as it burns. If you think your house is about to catch on fire from the black smoke then it is quite likely you have purchased a candle using paraffin wax. Smell the candle first, as pure natural beeswax will almost certainly be sweeter to point that you may want to eat it! after all this is a by product of honey.

The cotton too can be of numerous types, either bleached or unbleached, no points for guessing which one you should be using. Also look out for the style of the 'wrap' as it is known - the way the cotton on the candle has been wrapped. If you are looking at a 'sheet' of cotton then this is most likely a candle that is being made in mass production, the fast and easy way. If you can see the porous holes of the cotton and an overlap then you most certainly are looking at ear candles that have been given that extra bit of love when being made, a real hand made ear candle. So you can see that the combination of these ingredients and materials would obviously affect the quality level which in turn really affects the way an ear candles will and must burn.

Ear Candling by its nature, as it is to some so extreme, is tainted with bad stories but taking the above into account you should sensibly come to the conclusion that if you search for a quality ear candle then your ear candling experience will dramatically improve.Always experience ear candling with a partner or friend making sure all of the safety instructions are adhered to and this will undoubtedly make the experience mush safer and enjoyable.

You'd never go bungee jumping without checking the quality of the rope being used would you, so make sure you apply the same level of standard for something which directly affects your well-being.

_So how exactly how are ear candles made? We hear so much about them, the pro's and cons etc and races varying perspectives naturally but how are they made? The majority of ear candlings are and could be made with pure beeswax. Beeswax is naturally made use of by all the large major beauty offerings that we now purchase and is a commodity in itself, perhaps nearly as sort after as gold or silver in some respects.

Part of the reason that beeswax is so sort after comes down to quality but lets take a moment to consider the poor old bees! What exactly is beeswax and how do we end up with such a pure pretty smelling block of beeswax? If you have smelt the beautiful scent of a block of beeswax it is fairly fantastic if tasty so much so you want to eat it! It's intriguing! It took an inordinate amount of effort to become it's end product thanks to the work ethic of the bee colony.

Beeswax is to all intents and purposes a side-effect of the beehive itself. The bees that have worked so rigorously are only 12-18 days old and they secret beeswax from wax glands which are six to nine segments under the stomach. The bees use beeswax to make a new brush capping off their ripened honey. Humans naturally now use beeswax in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, candles, polish and general waterproofing. Humans will also use the beeswax to form an initial foundation layer for beehives themselves to help with the production of honey.

The composition of beeswax is difficult, but contains hydrocarbons, straight chain monohydric alcohols, acids, hydroxy acids, oils and other substances. Its density is less than one, so it floats on water. It liquifies at 63 C to 60 5 C and stiffens at sixty C to 63 C, reliant on purity.

Bees collect nectar, pollen and water each day to take back to the hive so that generations to come can live. The raw nectar comes from flowers. They mix this with secretions from their glands, so transforming it and after it is put in the brush, it ripens into honey.

It is frequently thought that for each sixty kilograms of honey roughly 1kg of beeswax is produced so that you can see why it is a rare commodity. Recently there had been a plague of sickness within bee colonies worldwide and the quantity of states now positioned to produce the best honey and beeswax is lessening fast. You can fairly simply see the way that the result on the environment is influencing nature so fast - the bees are trying strenuously to find top of the range nectar and pollen from our forest areas. This is the reason states like Australia and New Zealand are still able to produce some of the finest honey and beeswax available.

So for ear Candle makers the supply and quality of beeswax is ultimate and not regarded gently. Quality ear candles are made form the best quality beeswax and this is set by where the beeswax is sourced and from which country. So next time you use your ear candles spare a minute for the way that the candles were made, their ingredients and especially the extra standard lengths the bees went to to assemble the nectar! We've got a lot to thank them for, they are nearly a protected species!
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_Are you looking for pure or holistic alternative techniques to keep the balanced state of your well being? If so, then this one is an absolute must have and try for you.

Ear Candles generally are used for cleaning the ears. Ear Candling started centuries ago it’s an approach remedies procedure to enhance overall health and well-being. At present experienced users of ear candles called the ear candling as an medieval therapy in modern times.

For a pleasant experience for all, ear candles are made in a way in which it can be safely and easily use. The highest kind of ear candle is said to be made out of 100% cotton and high-grade natural beeswax. When it comes to product safety features the best kind of ear candle to use is the one with filter, protective disk and stop ring. The effectiveness or success of ear candling therapy starts in choosing the right and efficient ear candle.

The entire process of ear candling usually last up to 45 minutes in which one or two ear candles may be burned for each ear. For those who had it, they described the experience as being rather exotic, but absolutely relaxing and pleasant.

For the benefit of those who hasn’t tried ear candling but planning to do so, for those whose having second thoughts about this kind of holistic therapy below are some of the important things to keep in mind. Knowing this information would help you decide and probably would even end up giving you a “go” signal.


The benefits of ear candling that have been reported based from satisfied consumers of ear candles are the following:

Relief of sinus pressure.

Relief of pain in the ears.

Eased congestion.

Relieves Headache.

Reduces pain and tension in jaw.

Improve sense of hearing, smell and taste.

Several people have also said that ear candling reduced their stress levels.

Smoke circulating in the ear coming from the burning ear candle also gives the mind a clearing effect. It gives a feeling of balance, both in physical and emotional.


Using ear candles or the process of ear candling should always be done by an expert, experienced user or with the assistance of a partner who has the right knowledge to properly execute the therapy.

Only use ear candle that comes from a reliable supplier. Those kinds with 100% recommended legit ingredients and product safety features.


People with medical ear tubes, perforated ear drums or artificial ear drums are not advisable to undergo the process of ear candling therapy.

Never ever attempt to do the ear candling therapy on your own.